

JBA Shoes

In 2024, a friend of mine, Jason Ander had decided to manufacture shoes in Italy and create a new business.

When I came on the team, he had launched an MVP, marketed appropriately and still wasn't seeing any uptick sales.

I saw an opportunity to help a friend, build a business and be a part of something from the ground up, I couldn't resist.


A friend decided to start an e-commerce business and I aided in designing the site and developing the brand language.

Exploration & Ideation

Who would be compelled to buy fairly expensive shoes from a new company they had never heard of?

I interviewed some of my dapper friends, colleagues and people in the mall about what considerations they make when purchasing expensive shoes

“I want to know that what I'm buying is quality, from the material used, to the heel to the inlays or other details. The beauty is in the detail.”

-Cole Gentry

“I want to know that what I'm buying is quality, from the material used, to the heel to the inlays or other details. The beauty is in the detail.”

-Cole Gentry

“I want to know that what I'm buying is quality, from the material used, to the heel to the inlays or other details. The beauty is in the detail.”

-Cole Gentry

The Solution

Designing to the Customer

Every design decision was analyzed with "Would our customer find this beautiful?"


Introducing product swatches for each model of shoe allowed users to select color variants without the need to navigate through the entire site.

Building Reputation

JBA wanted to effectively communicate his passion for creating quality shoes at affordable prices. They knew they were new to consumers and demonstrating and articulating the quality of the merchandise was integral to success of the business.

The Problem

JBA Shoes was a new company with little reputation. Jason knew he had a fantastic product and wanted to make sure the brand, language and visuals showcased this.

Elevated Aesthetic

We wanted to opt for a more "wealth whispers" look. We knew our customer base was a more humble, well-maintained and fashion forward clientele and wanted to align with their values.

Navigating the product catalog

JBA launched with 5 models with 5 different colors. When I came in, Jason had a product page for each color of each shoe and was frustrated by the shopping experience. He needed a way for customers to browse his site as painlessly as possible.

Restricted UX by Shopify

Shopify is the leading e-commerce platform. They excel at providing fantastic templates, back end logistical information and a very helpful dashboard as well. However, there are strict limitations about what can and can not be built.

J.B Ander was a new company with little reputation. Jason knew he had a fantastic product and wanted to make sure the brand, language and visuals showcased this.

Elevated Aesthetic

We wanted to opt for a more "wealth whispers" look. We knew our customer base was a more humble, well-maintained and fashion forward clientele and wanted to align with their values.

Not many models but a lot of SKUs

JBA launched with 5 models with 5 different colors. When I came in, Jason had a product page for each color of each shoe and was frustrated by the shopping experience. He needed a way for customers to browse his site as painlessly as possible.

Restricted UX by Shopify

Shopify is the leading platform for e-comm. They excel at providing fantastic templates, back end logistical information and a very helpful dashboard as well. However, there are strict limitations about what can and can not be built.

The Solution

Designing to the Customer

Every design decision was analyzed with "Would our customer find this beautiful?"


Introducing product swatches for each model of shoe allowed users to select color variants without the need to navigate through the entire site.

Building Reputation

JBA wanted to effectively communicate his passion for creating quality shoes at affordable prices. They knew they were new to consumers and demonstrating and articulating the quality of the merchandise was integral to success of the business.


Competitive Analysis

I began by exploring what brands would be JBA's competitors. How are they marketing to their customer and what is their aesthetic.


Understanding the demographic

$300 loafers aren't for everyone. We were targeting a very niché market. I wanted to understand what drives their decisions, information they seek and aesthetics they value to determine which shoes to buy.

So I went to the mall.

Well, first I made assumptions about my customer.

"I feel our customers value comfort"

"I believe reading reviews of our products will help ease their concern that they never heard of us before"

"I believe our customer prefers to buy shoes in person rather than online."

I wanted to understand the key considerations and expectations for purchasing shoes. So taking my assumptions and my curiosity, I crafted a 5 question survey and went around talking to people.

  • "What factors are most important when choosing a loafer?"

  • "What information do you seek before making a purchase for expensive shoes?"

  • "Describe your last expensive shoe purchase. What worked well or didn't?"

  • "When did you realize you first needed a pair of nice loafers? What drew you to that style?"

  • "Do you prefer buying in-store or online? Why?"

I then wrapped up my conversation with one last question:

"Can you rank these 5 things in order of importance when buying shoes?"

  • Fit

  • Price

  • Style

  • Reviews

  • Comfort


After speaking with 10 people, I went home, listened to all my recordings and did some data entry.

The results were:

1. Comfort

2. Fit

3. Price

4. Style

5. Reviews

  • 77% of Customers always read reviews before purchasing

  • 60% Prefer in-store to online unless they know exactly what their purchasing.

JBA Shoes Value Proposition

JBA Shoes provides quality shoes at a discounted price. We strive to craft shoes that will last, look good and allow you to wear them for every occasion.


Building a Persona

Now that I had an idea of our customer, I wanted to put a face to the profile.

  • Mid 30's

  • Established in his career

  • Would pay extra for comfort & style

  • Required versatility in his wardrobe — work & pleasure

Component Library

We wanted to establish a reputation by looking the part. We knew that there are 1,000,000's of other e-commerce companies doing what we're trying to do but we needed to stand out.

The Website

Our products are being delivered to hundreds of customers, we ship globally and are looking for new inventory and products to sell.

  • Sales are up +28%

  • Conversion rate is up +35%

  • Bounce rate is down +17%

  • Click through is up on the homepage by +25%